IWD - thoughts after the day

Solid quotes from Sheryl Sandberg and Tiffany Dufu: How to Lean In Without Burning Out

"'What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Stop trying to please everyone, that’s not going to work. You’re never going to have an impact on the world if you’re always trying to make everyone happy. You have to say things, and when you say things some people will agree and some people disagree. You’ll start real conversation.'"

"The best hiring story of my career is a woman named Lorrie Goler. When I first went to Facebook she called me and said, 'I want to come apply to work for you at Facebook. I was going to tell you all the things I’m good at and all the things that I like to do and what my goals are, but I figured everyone’s doing that. I want to know what’s your biggest problem and can I solve it?'” 

“'Career progression is a jungle gym, not a ladder. The days of joining one company and moving up straight through the ranks are basically over.'”

“'Go somewhere where there’s growth. You can be the best employee ever in an industry that’s growing slowly and nothing good happens.'”

Living the dream!



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